Wednesday 10 February 2016

Yeshiva University

Now in its second century, Yeshiva University is the oldest and most comprehensive educational institution under Jewish auspices in America. It is an independent university that ranks among the nation's leading academic research institutions and, reflecting the time-honored tradition of Torah Umadda, provides the highest quality Jewish and secular education of any Jewish university in the world. Since its inception the University has been dedicated to melding the ancient traditions of Jewish law and life with the heritage of Western civilization, and each year we celebrate as future leaders make YU their home.

In September 2003, Richard M. Joel was inaugurated as Yeshiva University's fourth president in its 117-year history, succeeding Norman Lamm, who had held the office since 1976. President Joel's two other predecessors were Bernard Revel, president from 1915 to 1940, and Samuel Belkin, who served from 1943 to 1975.

Four Locations, One University
Our students study at our four campuses: Wilf Campus (500 West 185th Street), Israel Henry Beren Campus (245 Lexington Avenue) and Brookdale Center (55 Fifth Avenue) in Manhattan, and the Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus in the Bronx (Eastchester Road and Morris Park Avenue). The undergraduate schools offer a unique dual curriculum comprising Jewish studies and liberal arts and sciences courses, and our graduate and affiliate schools offer tremendous opportunities for graduate and professional studies.

At Yeshiva University, our mission, Torah Umadda, is to bring wisdom to life through all that we teach, by all that we do and for all those we serve.

Our students learn and go forth, as both educated and ethical people, to share their own special talents with society
Our faculty's research, academic work and scholarly writings help bring wisdom to many of the most pressing social, political, medical, legal and human rights issues facing the world today
Our University serves as a platform to bring Yeshiva's collective wisdom to the world through our community outreach, publications, seminars and broad range of academic programs

Yeshiva University is soul establishment in the big apple town. The university is split into 3 collegian colleges: yeshivah faculty, the strict faculty for ladies and therefore the Sy Syms faculty of Business, every at campuses throughout Manhattan. A university shuttle system transports students between campuses. The university additionally incorporates a field in Israel, wherever quite 600 students a year study through the S. Daniel patriarch Israel Program.

Freshmen don't seem to be needed to measure on field, tho' several value more highly to do thus. There area unit dozens of student organizations on field, from a engineering club to the scholar Holocaust Education Movement. The yeshivah Maccabees sports groups vie at the NCAA Division III level. the varsity incorporates a Center for the soul Future, that sponsors comes just like the YU Torah on-line. Students style regular Shabbat programs, and manufacture publications at every field, as well as newspapers The Commentator and therefore the Observer.

Yeshiva University earns accolades for its extremely graded analysis opportunities at the Einstein faculty of medication, and yeshivah incorporates a school of law, too. the varsity incorporates a variety of graduate offerings specific to the soul religion through the Azrieli grad school of soul Education and Administration and therefore the Bernard Revel grad school, that offers master’s degrees in areas like Medieval soul History and soul Philosophy.

Yeshiva University may be a major national analysis university with the guiding vision that the most effective of the heritage of up to date civilization and data is compatible with the traditional traditions of soul law and life. On the collegian level this is often embodied within the twin info below that students pursue a full program of subject, the sciences, and business whereas taking a full core of soul studies. On the graduate level the University's mission is embodied within the stress on the ethical dimensions of the rummage around for data and therefore the soul moral values and principles that govern skilled practitioners. In its 128th year, yeshivah University is that the country???s oldest and most comprehensive establishment combining soul scholarship with educational excellence and accomplishment

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